What's your story on Curse of Ham?

Friday, November 10, 2006

Roots International Arts Theatre Launch
With Readings From:
A stage play written & directed by Leon Saul
Dramaturgy by Shirvington Hannays, Producer by Ryan Singh

With Musical Entertainment by
Ras Iauwata M.D, Quammie Williams, Syreeta Williams, Tru Story,
Michael Hasek, Faitlind Melani, Jem Hewitt, Imaaji & Eryn Vogn

964 Bathurst St. Toronto
Sunday November 19, 2006
Reception 7:30 pm, Show 8:30 pm Tickets $20

Roots International Arts Theatre was created in 1988 with the mission of “Keeping our Stories Alive”- a theme that allows the company to produce plays that give youth and people of colour opportunities to tell their stories. Roots Theatre’s mandate is to promote harmony, unity and equality through establishing a higher standard of theatre along with developing a unique style of expression in theatre, music, film and television.

On November 19, 2007 at The Trane Studio, 964 Bathurst Street, Roots Theatre will be launched with an exciting fundraiser for the upcoming debut production of CURSE OF HAM running from January 18 to January 21, 2007 at the Theatre Centre. The production will then continue at the Toronto Centre for the Arts from February 27 to March 11, 2007. For more information and to purchase tickets contact 416-275-8993 or 647-400-8546 or visit www.rootstheatre.com. For a sneak preview and clips visit www.headsuplive.com/Ham.html.

CURSE OF HAM is a masterpiece story of love, lust, and family secrets revealed! The plot moves from Toronto to ancient Africa to present day Canada in a series of intricate scenes. This is an exciting and absorbing drama of a preacher who claims to be Ham, the cursed son of Noah and his trial to face an accusation of “willfully promoting hatred”! Curse of Ham is based on an incident that has left an unparalleled legacy in the history of mankind. The story invites dialogue about age-old myths and our common history as prevalent in current popular culture. The content of the play will shock many in the same manner as did the Da Vinci Code and the Passion of the Christ. This work will inspire new thinking about a classic story and challenge the modern day mentalities on the issues of difference. On November 19, 2007 the cast will present readings from the script of CURSE OF HAM as an introduction to the content of the play. The evening will also include live musical performances by several artists whose music will make up the productions soundtrack. This will be followed by an opportunity to mix and mingle with the Roots Theatre production team and cast members.
Leon Saul
647-400-8546 / 416-660-5841 leon@rootstheatre.com
Ryan Singh 416-275-8993 ryan@rootstheatre.com